Components & Projects
19th IHIWS Theme
To register for IHIWS 2026, click on the button below:
Please review the proposed projects at present. New project proposal is welcome!
By clicking on the three main themes below, you will get to learn more about every subthemes proposed on this list.
- DPA1-promotor-DPB1 haplotypes
- Immunogenetics of Aging
- NGS of Full-length HLA genes of Reference Cell Lines
- Population genetics, anthropology and evolution
- High-resolution KIR sequencing
- NGS HLA-IR10K (HLA and Immune Repertoire 10 000 cases)
- Immunogenetics of type 1 diabetes in world populations
- COVID-19 | HLA and Immunogenetics Consortium (CHIC)
- Creating Fully Representative MHC Reference Haplotypes
- Leukocyte Receptor Complex (LRC) Structure and Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics: Trans-Ethnic Meta-Analysis for Association of HLA with Drug-Induced Skin Rashes
- Clinical Relevance of Donor-Derived DNA Measurement Assays in Post-transplant Surveillance
- HLA Haplotypes in Families
Diversity of HLA-E, F, G, MICA, and MICB genes
- Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
- HLA Loss Relapse After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
- Immunogenicity of HLA-DQ antibodies (epitopes)
- Definition of Molecular Mismatch Immunogenicity
- Serology 2026
- Adsorption Elution Study for the Antibody-Verification of Eplets
- Update of the HLA Eplet Registry
- Matched Kidney Donor Project: Immunogenicity Study of the Same Kidney Donor in Two Different Recipients
- Data Standards Hackathon
- SNP-HLA Reference Consortium (SHLARC)
- Clinical Histocompatibility Laboratory Informatics
The following industry-supported symposia are organized by sponsors of Neurotrauma (NNS) 2022 and will be available during the 2022 Live Days. Click on the tabs below for more information.